From my earliest days, what I wanted most to be in life was a wife and mother. (That’s a common goal for SJs, by the way.) Realizing that dream is something that has brought me great joy.
The news of my first pregnancy brought mixed emotions, however, but only because I had just determined that I would dive full pelt into the task of completing my degree and was taking a heavy load of 18 hours of classes -- only to learn a few days after beginning that semester that I was pregnant. All emotions turned to good ones after the initial shock, and my joy was complete when I held my first child, a beautiful little girl, in my arms. It would be over four more years before my second bundle of joy, another beautiful little girl, would arrive to add spice to life.
Regardless of whether you became a mom through physical child birth, adoption, step-mom status, foster parenting or you have had the longing in your heart that has not been realized, you are still a mom and I honor you this month for your “motherhood.”
Memories of my children will always fill my “Joybox.” My motherhood was not perfect. Few could be described that way. Yet the failures have provided wisdom that comes from “experience.” More importantly, the heartaches are always overcome by the JOYS of motherhood, which are far too numerous to begin to list here.
If you are fortunate enough to also be a grandmother (as I am) you know the added joy of seeing your precious child become a parent and having the added blessing of loving and finding joy in your grandchildren.
So, here’s to all you moms out there! Experience the joy! Have a wonderful Mother’s Day!