Alright, SJs. Fess up! Have you ever felt like this?
The list of "To Dos" is growing, even though I proudly keep checking things off the list. But there is one that I keep "overlooking" because I know it is going to be a huge task and I don't want to get started and then be constantly interrupted, making it take even longer. I keep putting it off and, as a result, it's size appears to increase with each procrastination.
I've faced tasks like this before: preparing my taxes, filling the requests for more documents to get this set up or that completed. Even cleaning out the refrigerator is sometimes a daunting task, although right now I'd jump at the chance to do that if it means I can put off this one task.
Truth be told, however, once I get into those tasks and actually give them my undivided attention, they usually get completed MUCH faster than I ever dreamed they would and the dread was really worse than the task. That "J" in our profiles that is our drive to come to closure, make a decision, take action is an asset when we use it.
Procrastination is a failure to use one of our strengths! That non-use makes it a weakness! So, knowing that "beginning is half done" (in the words of some wise person whom I can't identify), let's just take the bull by the horns and "do it!" No need to get our knickers in a knot (as they say in New Zealand)! Just do it!
How about you? Can you identify? What are you putting off? Just do it!