Friday, May 22, 2015


Don’t you just love the “aha moments:” when the lights come on and things suddenly all make sense or you finally “get it!”  Sometimes they are hard to come by -- for me, anyway.  When I am deeply troubled about some issue, it’s as though I’m surrounded by walls that are keeping the light out no matter how hard I search for a window or exit.  Then I suddenly find a crack that is letting the light in and I “thrust my mental fist” through to see the answer.  Whew!  What a joy!

That’s the experience that comes when we suddenly understand someone who may be of the same temperament that we are, but may be a different type.  They are the “same,” but “different.”  Or it may be when we understand someone of a totally different temperament.

SJs find common ground in seeking security and stable footing.  All are very conscious of society and seeing to it that it functions well for all.  You know what I mean: obey the rules, respect lessons of the past, plan for contingencies, etc.  

But two SJs will differ when one’s type is influenced by an E (extrovert) and the other by an I (introvert).  The ESJ will be very focused on seeking increased contact with other people, while the ISJ, while being concerned for others and sociable, will quickly tire in social settings.

And what happens when the difference is between the T and the F?  Again, same temperament (SJ), but one is a STJ and the other is an SFJ.  SJs are all about details. The STJ will handle the operational details well, but will appear much “harder” and “cooler” in their demeanor and may be more concerned about “things” running smoothly.  On the other hand, the SFJ will be concerned with details, but will focus on the social details more than the operational ones.  

Now, if you are an F of any temperament, you will be saying to yourself, “The SFJ has it right.”  However, if you are a T of any temperament, you may be saying, “But if things don’t operate correctly, the social details will be fowled up too.”  When the T depends on the F for something, can there be misunderstandings?  You bet!  So having an understanding of how your team members function is very helpful to achieving the most successful event.  Use each one’s strengths for the benefit of all. This will be an insightful moment of “aha joy.”